Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"mom i can't hold on!" chad

so....we had so much flying kites on saturday i decided to do it again. a bunch of us moms met at the park ready for another perfect day of kite flying. it really was quite crazy all of the tangled string and kite tails and a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds wanting it to be "their turn".
chad got his kite in the air--he had all of the string let out and the kite was f-lying so high! but....if the kite was a little bigger or chad was a little smaller, chad would have flown away. chad started yelling, "mom i can't hold on!!!" he let go and we both chased after the kite only to have the spool get caught in the tree. the kite however kept on flying high for the rest of the day.

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